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<!-- John Cena was here -->
<!-- John Cena was here -->
<table>Just some Testing or studies on MediaWiki

Revision as of 12:27, 23 September 2023

This is my personal Mediawiki studies


So this is where I begin my studies of this wiki editing work (sigh) I guess more studies it is I hope I try not to be like Princess Cherie.

Studying about Javascript is my main objective to getting use of how JS codes works.

No waifus loving or day dreaming about been a heroes or becoming a knight in shiny armor rescuing his favourite girls.

Alas there is no way out of this studies I need to do it.

Chapter 1

After I start doing this studies work on my personal studio I got some few knocks.

"knock", "knock", "knock"

A voice was heard.

???: Excuse me Shikikan are you there?

Me: Umm sure come in please.

The door was open by a mysterious person, and I thought I was going to get assassination by someone else.

Gr G36: um I was wondering shikikan do you need any drinks or food?

I was wrong about it thought getting assassinated by your own lovable waifu I wasn't think about that.

Me: Cup of Japanese Green Tea & Cheese n bacon sandwich please.

Gr G36:Alright Shikikan I give you that soon once is done.

Then she leave my room & head toward the kitchen to prep those food & drink I order.

So my studio was quite just too quite, not hearing so much noise outside from the studio I was in, quite & silence as an void.

I check my time it 10:50PM the late night I going to get in.

After doing my studies I was able to make this italic & bold since those are the easy task I do.

Me: mmm where is my late meal? it been like 10 mins pass now.

I got up take a small break outside of my studio just relax outside of the starry night.

I feel like something is not right, I head back inside my studio grab some gears for my safety (low grade caliber pistol with full magazine of 9mm bullets fully loaded & trusty good ol knife for some self defense).

Once I was loaded I head out of my studio & head toward the kitchen.

Chapter 2

The kitchen usually where people do shifts mainly maids & butlers, but I see Gr G36 but is she moving or not?

Me:Hey Gr G36 wake up!

Her response was silence.

When I look around the kitchen my drink & food was ready & there is an note.


If you are reading this I made the meal you order but I got myself been attack by unknown enemy be on the lookout & keep your guard up, this enemy was not a pushover it can fire magic out of it finger straight toward me & got my core destroy by that attack.

Your truly maido Gr G36

I knew something is not right from the start, I drink & eat my meal before heading out.

I can't process the area since the power was out I need to head toward the armory to find some pairs of night visions goggles for it.

The armory is the only place that is where plenty of sockpiles of ammunition, firearms, body armors & you name it.

The armory door wasn't lock so normally an security personal would open it if they have their shifts on.

It seem the armory still have some plenty of ammo & gears left around this area.

I see an high grade caliber rifles with a scope attach to it on the gun rack I take it & some ammo with me including a pair of night vision goggles.

Now I am fully armed & ready to take on this enemy.

So I guess I need to get out of this studio now since the front doors usually lock from the inside since I am doing my late shift it should be unlock for it.

Once I reach the front door I got attack from behind.

???: So that what you doing now?

Me: Who there!

A mysterious person appear out of the shadow.

???: It been awhile haven't Master.

Chapter 3

Me: You must be Rin, how did you get in my studio for!

Rin: Heh well you forgot to lock the front door idiot!

Me: Huh, I need to do my studies on how JS work, you can't be serious about it Rin!

Rin: So I can eliminate you from this world.

Me: You going to assassinated me are you.

Rin: Heh now be gone!

I dodge that magic shot from Rin attack.

Rin: Tsk he knew what I been planning for, well this fight getting interesting!

I fire off few rounds from my pistol

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang!"

An it missed.

Me: (I should be good with firearms how come she dodge my shots)

Just then Rin just come up personal close she begin to attack me in close quarter combat.

Me: (If she really want a fist & leg fight then bring it on then!)

Some serious close quarter combat between two fighters, since I can't be that good in a combat fight that easy.

There was an attempt when she nearly grab me by my neck, I was able to counter that grab by grab her arm and throwing her backward.

Rin: Pathetic throw!

Me: You got to be kidding me right! that throw was perfect.

Just then Rin punch me in the guts

Me: Argh!

Rin: A simple attack will defeat you!

Then she finish me off her powerful roundhouse kick in the face

Me: (Do I think I should surrender to this tsundere girl?)

Rin: Give up already, you already lost!

As she approached toward me I had the final plan that was my ace card!


Rin: What!

Me: Oh jeez I guess both of us end right here then.

Both of us were defeated!

The End

Sandbox section

Basic testing studies



Personal favourite codes
JS is a truly a magical way to make interesting codes & new ideas can be make it.
The Giga Chad moment.
Jalter is my favourite waifu from FGO
64 Shiki, Ishtar & Skyfire sound like my favourite tsundere waifu VA
Loving Saberfaces clones as a new waifus
Hmm try to think about new story or figuring out how JS code I do?

Just some Testing or studies on MediaWiki