Beginners Custom CO Tutorial: Difference between revisions

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So first off you need to have this for your beginners setup.
So first off you need to have this for your beginners setup.
Also here is the [[Custom CO]] if you need to take a look.
== Program for your own Custom CO ==
Since COW has it's own CO generator it's will give you some basic stuff for your own custom cos.
But the file is JS (Javascript)
There some program allow you to use JS file to make your own custom cos
"Visual Studio Code" A multi code program
"Notepad++" This allow you to code JS without any issues
Once you got your own JS program ready we will begin this short beginner friendly tutorial how to make your own custom cos in COW.

== CO Setup ==
== CO Setup ==
Line 536: Line 551:
</syntaxhighlight>Meteor Code<syntaxhighlight lang="js">
</syntaxhighlight>Meteor Code (Sturm & Tabitha "Which she use the great owl to bomb her opponent")<syntaxhighlight lang="js">
     this.activatePower = function(co, map)
     this.activatePower = function(co, map)
Line 604: Line 619:
                     if (hp - damage <= 0.1)
                     if (hp - damage <= 0.1)
                        // set hp to very very low
                    // set hp to very very low or you can set it like -0.1 for instant kill same with
                    the unit.getHpRounded
Line 658: Line 674:
[[File:Co lainforce+face.png|none|thumb|This one doesn't have happy or sad (Rainforce from Langrisser Vol 3)]]
[[File:Co lainforce+face.png|none|thumb|This one doesn't have happy or sad (Rainforce from Langrisser Vol 3)]]
[[File:Co battler+face.png|none|thumb|This one have happy & sad (Battler from Kl07's Origin Mix mod)]]
[[File:Co battler+face.png|none|thumb|This one have happy & sad (Battler from Kl07's Origin Mix mod)]]
So the left side is normal (netural), middle is happy & right is sad
So the left side is normal (neutral), middle is happy & right is sad

== Mini Sprites ==
This is just an optional choice if you want your co have a unique mini during in-game

Here is what the custom mini look like, it can be any size as long it fit the game
Here is what the custom mini look like, it can be any size as long it fit the game
Line 670: Line 687:
Be mindful about the mini image you choose you have to shrink it down a lots in order to show up the right size
Be mindful about the mini image you choose you have to shrink it down a lots in order to show up the right size
[[File:Co Hyde unib+mini.png|none|thumb|2D fighting game sprite that is large]]
[[File:Co Hyde unib+mini.png|none|thumb|2D fighting game sprite that is large]]
[[File:Co satsuki mb+mini.png|none|thumb|2D fighting game sprite somewhat big]]
[[File:Co satsuki mb+mini.png|none|thumb|This sprite from Melty Blood also this sprite is somewhat big]]
But you can create your own sprite by using Piskel program to create unique sprites. (If you got a good art skills)

== Music ==
== Music ==

Latest revision as of 15:37, 5 March 2025

This is a beginners Custom CO Tutorial work

This is a simple tutorial for beginners, new or fresh coders to want to make their own custom CO in COW

So first off you need to have this for your beginners setup.

Also here is the Custom CO if you need to take a look.

Program for your own Custom CO

Since COW has it's own CO generator it's will give you some basic stuff for your own custom cos.

But the file is JS (Javascript)

There some program allow you to use JS file to make your own custom cos

"Visual Studio Code" A multi code program

"Notepad++" This allow you to code JS without any issues

Once you got your own JS program ready we will begin this short beginner friendly tutorial how to make your own custom cos in COW.

CO Setup

var Constructor = function () {
    this.init = function (co, map) {
        co.setPowerStars(3); // This is your normal power meter
        co.setSuperpowerStars(3); // This is your super power meter

    this.activatePower = function(co, map) // This will use normal power (COP)
        var dialogAnimation = co.createPowerSentence();
        var powerNameAnimation = co.createPowerScreen(GameEnums.PowerMode_Power);

        var units = co.getOwner().getUnits();
        var animations = [];
        var counter = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < units.size(); i++)
            var unit =;

            var animation = GameAnimationFactory.createAnimation(map, unit.getX(), unit.getY());
            animation.setEndOfAnimationCall("ANIMATION", "postAnimationHeal");
            var delay = globals.randInt(135, 265);
            if (animations.length < 5)
                delay *= i;
            animation.setSound("power0.wav", 1, delay);
            if (animations.length < 5)
                animation.addSprite("power0", -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, 0, 2, delay);
                animation.addSprite("power0", -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, 0, 2, delay);
                animations[counter] = animation;
                if (counter >= animations.length)
                    counter = 0;

    this.activateSuperpower = function(co, powerMode, map) // This will use super power (SCOP)
        var dialogAnimation = co.createPowerSentence();
        var powerNameAnimation = co.createPowerScreen(powerMode);

        var units = co.getOwner().getUnits();
        var animations = [];
        var counter = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < units.size(); i++)
            var unit =;

            var animation = GameAnimationFactory.createAnimation(map, unit.getX(), unit.getY());
            animation.setEndOfAnimationCall("ANIMATION", "postAnimationHeal");
            var delay = globals.randInt(135, 265);
            if (animations.length < 7)
                delay *= i;
            if (i % 2 === 0)
                animation.setSound("power12_1.wav", 1, delay);
                animation.setSound("power12_2.wav", 1, delay);
            if (animations.length < 7)
                animation.addSprite("power12", -map.getImageSize() * 2, -map.getImageSize() * 2, 0, 2, delay);
                animation.addSprite("power12", -map.getImageSize() * 2, -map.getImageSize() * 2, 0, 2, delay);
                animations[counter] = animation;
                if (counter >= animations.length)
                    counter = 0;

    this.loadCOMusic = function (co, map) {
        // put the custom co music in here.
        switch (co.getPowerMode()) {
            case GameEnums.PowerMode_Power:
                audio.addMusic("mods/testco/music/cos/Power.mp3", 0, 0);
            case GameEnums.PowerMode_Superpower:
                audio.addMusic("mods/testco/music/cos/Super.mp3", 0, 0);
            case GameEnums.PowerMode_Tagpower:
                audio.addMusic("mods/testco/music/cos/Super.mp3", 0, 0);
                audio.addMusic("mods/testco/music/cos/Theme.mp3", 0, 0);

    this.getCOUnitRange = function (co, map) {
        return Number value; //This is how much range you put in
    this.getCOArmy = function () {
        return "Vanilla Base Game or Custom"; //This will show up depending on which army you choose
    // CO - Intel
    this.getBio = function (co) {
        return qsTr("Type for your own description"); //Personal description
    this.getLongBio = function(co, map)
        return qsTr("\n\n\"Special Message Quote\""); //Special quote description
    this.getHits = function (co) {
        return qsTr("");
    this.getMiss = function (co) {
        return qsTr("");
    this.getCODescription = function (co) {
        return qsTr("Type for your own description only affect D2D or CO zone Effect"); //Your abilities
    this.getLongCODescription = function() {
    return qsTr("\nD2D Effect: \nType your D2D ability") + //Your D2D ability
           qsTr("\n\nZone Effect: \nType your CO Zone ability"); //Your Zone ability
    this.getPowerDescription = function (co) {
        return qsTr("Type for your own description for power (COP)"); //COP description
    this.getPowerName = function (co) {
        return qsTr("Name"); //COP name
    this.getSuperPowerDescription = function (co) {
        return qsTr("Type for your own description for super power (SCOP)"); //SCOP description
    this.getSuperPowerName = function (co) {
        return qsTr("Name"); //SCOP name
    this.getPowerSentences = function (co) {
        switch (co.getPowerMode()) {
            case GameEnums.PowerMode_Power:
            return [qsTr("Type here for your own power quotes")];
            case GameEnums.PowerMode_Superpower:
            return [qsTr("Type here for your own super power quotes")];
            case GameEnums.PowerMode_Tagpower:
            return [qsTr("Type here for your own tag power quotes")];
    this.getVictorySentences = function (co) {
        return [qsTr("Type here for your own victory quotes")];
    this.getDefeatSentences = function (co) {
        return [qsTr("Type here for your own defeat quotes")];
    this.getName = function () {
        return qsTr("Name");

Constructor.prototype = CO;
var CO_TEST = new Constructor();
//Make sure put that CO_NAME (CO_TEST) in full caps lock in order to getting working

//This is for the character alt if you add in your image folder
    this.getCOStyles = function()
        return ["+alt"];

Feel free to copy that code block to get started!

If you got your very first setup (if you got copy it from the code block above) you good to go follow this next step!

Forgot to mention about Unique unit in the base game

    this.getCOUnits = function(co, building, map) //This allow you to have 1 unique unit in that CO buildlist
        if (CO.isActive(co))
            var buildingId = building.getBuildingID();
            if (buildingId === "FACTORY" ||
                    buildingId === "TOWN" ||
                return ["ZCOUNIT_HOT_TANK"];
        return [];

 CO_TESTCO.getCOUnits = function(co, building, map) //This allow you swap base game unit to unique ones, the - represented remove certain unit off that CO buildlist
    if (CO.isActive(co))
        var buildingId = building.getBuildingID();
        if (buildingId === "FACTORY" ||
                buildingId === "TOWN" ||
                buildingId === "HQ" ||
                buildingId === "FORTHQ")
    return [];

Stats, Co zone & abilities

This is the second part of the tutorial is all about stats, CO zone & abilities

Now you need some stats, just mainly your Custom Co D2D, Power & Super Power

Stats Code Library (D2D, other abilities & ects)

Terrain Codes (Modified terrain itself)

Weather Codes (Weather manipulations)

Building (Props for income bonus)

Units also affect on stats as well






Or you could visit Github for some COs coding Resource work

If you have any question about this please join the discord server to discuss about this CO stuff & setups

As for abilities there is quite lots cos have unique abilities

  • Global Damage
  • Reinforcements
  • Meteor Strike
  • Healing
  • ects

For the CO zone effects you need to be like this

            if (co.inCORange(Qt.point(defPosX, defPosY), defender))
                return 50;
//Depends on which CO zone you want "Deffensive(defPosX, defPosY), defender)", "Offensive(atkPosX, atkPosY), attacker)", Luck(posX, posY), unit)

Global Damage Codes

    this.activatePower = function(co, map)
        var dialogAnimation = co.createPowerSentence();
        var powerNameAnimation = co.createPowerScreen(GameEnums.PowerMode_Power);

        CO_TEST.nameDamage(co, CO_TEST.powerDamage, powerNameAnimation, map);
    this.powerDamage = 3;
    this.activateSuperpower = function(co, powerMode, map)
        var dialogAnimation = co.createPowerSentence();
        var powerNameAnimation = co.createPowerScreen(powerMode);

        CO_TEST.nameDamage(co, CO_TEST.superPowerDamage, powerNameAnimation, map);
    this.superPowerDamage = 7;

    this.nameDamage = function(co, value, animation2, map)
        var player = co.getOwner();
        var counter = 0;
        var playerCounter = map.getPlayerCount();
        var animation = null;
        var animations = [];

        for (var i2 = 0; i2 < playerCounter; i2++)
            var enemyPlayer = map.getPlayer(i2);
            if ((enemyPlayer !== player) &&
                    (player.checkAlliance(enemyPlayer) === GameEnums.Alliance_Enemy))

                var units = enemyPlayer.getUnits();
                for (i = 0; i < units.size(); i++)
                    var unit =;

                    animation = GameAnimationFactory.createAnimation(map, unit.getX(), unit.getY());
                    var delay = globals.randInt(135, 265);
                    if (animations.length < 5)
                        delay *= i;
                    animation.setSound("power4.wav", 1, delay);
                    if (animations.length < 5)
                        animation.addSprite("power4", -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, 0, 2, delay);
                        animation.addSprite("power4", -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, 0, 2, delay);
                        animations[counter] = animation;
                        if (counter >= animations.length)
                            counter = 0;
                    animation.setEndOfAnimationCall("ANIMATION", "postAnimationDamage");
    this.postAnimationDamage = function(postAnimation, map)
        var x = postAnimation.readDataInt32();
        var y = postAnimation.readDataInt32();
        var damage = postAnimation.readDataInt32();
        if (map.onMap(x, y))
            var unit = map.getTerrain(x, y).getUnit();
            if (unit !== null)
                var hp = unit.getHpRounded();
                if (hp - damage <= 0.1)
                    // set hp to very very low
                    unit.setHp(hp - damage);


Reinforcements codes (since there are two I put them up)

//Sensei powers
    this.activatePower = function(co, map)
        var dialogAnimation = co.createPowerSentence();
        var powerNameAnimation = co.createPowerScreen(GameEnums.PowerMode_Power);

        CO_TEST.spawnUnits(co, "INFANTRY", CO_TEST.powerSpawnHp, powerNameAnimation, map);

    this.activateSuperpower = function(co, powerMode, map)
        var dialogAnimation = co.createPowerSentence();
        var powerNameAnimation = co.createPowerScreen(powerMode);

        CO_TEST.spawnUnits(co, "MECH", CO_TEST.powerSpawnHp, powerNameAnimation, map);

    this.spawnUnits = function(co, unitID, hp, powerNameAnimation, map)
        var buildings = co.getOwner().getBuildings();
        var animations = [];
        var counter = 0;
        var size = buildings.size();
        for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
            var building =;
            if (building.getBuildingID() === "TOWN")
                if (map.getTerrain(building.getX(), building.getY()).getUnit() === null)
                    var animation = GameAnimationFactory.createAnimation(map, building.getX(), building.getY());
                    animation.setStartOfAnimationCall("ANIMATION", "postAnimationSpawnUnit");
                    var delay = globals.randInt(135, 265);
                    if (animations.length < 5)
                        delay *= i;
                    if (i % 2 === 0)
                        animation.setSound("power8_1.wav", 1, delay);
                        animation.setSound("power8_2.wav", 1, delay);
                    if (animations.length < 5)
                        animation.addSprite("power8", -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, 0, 2, delay);
                        animation.addSprite("power8", -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, 0, 2, delay);
                        animations[counter] = animation;
                        if (counter >= animations.length)
                            counter = 0;
    this.powerSpawnHp = 9;

//Yukio Powers
    this.activatePower = function(co, map)
        var invasion = ["ARTILLERY", "FLAK", "LIGHT_TANK", "FLAK", "LIGHT_TANK"];
        var dialogAnimation = co.createPowerSentence();
        var powerNameAnimation = co.createPowerScreen(GameEnums.PowerMode_Power);
        CO_TEST.spawnUnits(co, 0.4, invasion, powerNameAnimation, map);

    this.activateSuperpower = function(co, powerMode, map)
        var invasion = ["HEAVY_TANK", "FLAK", "LIGHT_TANK", "ARTILLERY", "LIGHT_TANK", "K_HELI", "K_HELI"];
        var dialogAnimation = co.createPowerSentence();
        var powerNameAnimation = co.createPowerScreen(powerMode);

        CO_TEST.spawnUnits(co, 0.7, invsion, powerNameAnimation, map);

    this.spawnUnits = function(co, count, invasion, powerNameAnimation, map)
        var buildings = co.getOwner().getBuildings();
        var animations = [];
        var counter = 0;
        var size = buildings.size();
        for (var i = 0; i < size * count; i++)
            var building =;
            if (building.getBuildingID() === "TOWN")
                if (map.getTerrain(building.getX(), building.getY()).getUnit() === null)
                    var animation = GameAnimationFactory.createAnimation(map, building.getX(), building.getY());
                    animation.writeDataString(invasion[i % invasion.length]);
                    animation.setStartOfAnimationCall("ANIMATION", "postAnimationSpawnUnit");

                    var delay = globals.randInt(135, 265);
                    if (animations.length < 5)
                        delay *= i;
                    if (i % 2 === 0)
                        animation.setSound("power8_1.wav", 1, delay);
                        animation.setSound("power8_2.wav", 1, delay);
                    if (animations.length < 5)
                        animation.addSprite("power8", -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, 0, 2, delay);
                        animation.addSprite("power8", -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, -map.getImageSize() * 1.27, 0, 2, delay);
                        animations[counter] = animation;
                        if (counter >= animations.length)
                            counter = 0;

Meteor Code (Sturm & Tabitha "Which she use the great owl to bomb her opponent")

    this.activatePower = function(co, map)
        var dialogAnimation = co.createPowerSentence();
        var powerNameAnimation = co.createPowerScreen(GameEnums.PowerMode_Power);

        CO_TEST.throwMeteor(co, CO_TEST.powerDamage, powerNameAnimation, map);
    this.powerDamage = 4;

    this.activateSuperpower = function(co, powerMode, map)
        var dialogAnimation = co.createPowerSentence();
        var powerNameAnimation = co.createPowerScreen(powerMode);

        CO_TEST.throwMeteor(co, CO_TEST.superPowerDamage, powerNameAnimation, map);
    this.superPowerDamage = 8;

    this.throwMeteor = function(co, damage, powerNameAnimation, map)
        var meteorTarget = co.getOwner().getRockettarget(2, damage);
        // create cool meteor animation :)
        var animation = GameAnimationFactory.createAnimation(map, meteorTarget.x + 2, meteorTarget.y - 4);
        animation.addSprite("meteor", 0, 0, 2500, 4.0);
        animation.addTweenPosition(Qt.point((meteorTarget.x - 2) * map.getImageSize(), (meteorTarget.y - 2) * map.getImageSize()), 1000);
        animation.addTweenScale(0.65, 1000);
        animation.addTweenColor(0, "#FFFFFFFF", "#00FFFFFF", 1000, false, 1200);
        var animation2 = GameAnimationFactory.createAnimation(map, 0, 0);
        animation2.addSprite2("white_pixel", 0, 0, 4200, map.getMapWidth(), map.getMapHeight());
        animation2.addTweenColor(0, "#00FFFFFF", "#FFFFFFFF", 3000, true, 1000);
        animation.setEndOfAnimationCall("CO_TEST", "postAnimationThrowMeteor");
        animation.setStartOfAnimationCall("CO_TEST", "preAnimationThrowMeteor");
        CO_TEST.postAnimationThrowMeteorTarget = meteorTarget;
        CO_TEST.postAnimationThrowMeteorDamage = damage;
    this.preAnimationThrowMeteor = function(animation, map)
        map.centerMap(CO_TEST.postAnimationThrowMeteorTarget.x, CO_STURM.postAnimationThrowMeteorTarget.y);
    this.postAnimationThrowMeteorTarget = null;
    this.postAnimationThrowMeteorDamage = 0;
    this.postAnimationThrowMeteor = function(animation, map)
        var meteorTarget = CO_TEST.postAnimationThrowMeteorTarget;
        var damage = CO_TEST.postAnimationThrowMeteorDamage;
        var fields = globals.getCircle(0, 2);
        // check all target fields
        var size = fields.size();
        for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
            var x = + meteorTarget.x;
            var y = + meteorTarget.y;
            // check if the target is on the map
            if (map.onMap(x, y))
                var unit = map.getTerrain(x, y).getUnit();
                if (unit !== null)
                    var hp = unit.getHpRounded();
                    if (hp - damage <= 0.1)
                    // set hp to very very low or you can set it like -0.1 for instant kill same with 
                    the unit.getHpRounded
                        unit.setHp(hp - damage);
        CO_TEST.postAnimationThrowMeteorTarget = null;
        CO_TEST.postAnimationThrowMeteorDamage = 0;

If you got question about this tutorial, please visit Discord for this kind of question.


The image is the next part of this tutorial.

There is few thing when add some images up.

First you need an res.xml file to be made first

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<set path = "mods/testco/images/co/" />
		<image file="co_test+nrm.png" />
		<image file="co_test+info.png" />
		<image file="co_test+face.png" cols = "3" />

//Optional is if you planning make a mini please type this in <image file="co_test+mini.png" /> this allow you to see your mini when it CO board a unit in game, on the sidenote if you made an alt (skin) for your character type this in <image file="co_test+alt+nrm.png" /> (That include the info & face as well)

So you need 3 things nrm, info & faces

The nrm it can be any images size you want, here is 4 examples

From Knightlord07's Nasuverse mod

Image size 308 x 557

From Knightlord07's Langrisser vol 1 mod

Image size 1000 x 1681

From Knightlord07's OCs with Under Night In-Birth Mod (This is what an alt look like)

Image size 1024 x 1024

From Knightlord07's Langrisser vol 2 mod

image size is 256 x 256

If your image is big or large you can just edit the res.xml file and put this code in

scale_factor = "0.55"

//This allow to decrease the nrm, info & face image size in game itself

Next is the info, the size won't matter as long it fit, recommended size is 32 x 12 but it up to you for info image size

Last is the face, for your own custom co mod

So here is 2 examples

This one doesn't have happy or sad (Rainforce from Langrisser Vol 3)
This one have happy & sad (Battler from Kl07's Origin Mix mod)

So the left side is normal (neutral), middle is happy & right is sad

Mini Sprites

This is just an optional choice if you want your co have a unique mini during in-game

Here is what the custom mini look like, it can be any size as long it fit the game

Custom mini

Default mini size

Default Brenner mini size

Most of the images can be done with programs such as gimps or any other art program as long it can accept webp or any type of file image to export them into png image

Be mindful about the mini image you choose you have to shrink it down a lots in order to show up the right size

2D fighting game sprite that is large
This sprite from Melty Blood also this sprite is somewhat big

But you can create your own sprite by using Piskel program to create unique sprites. (If you got a good art skills)


Music is another part of making custom co in order make to work

//Custom co music
        switch (co.getPowerMode()) {
            case GameEnums.PowerMode_Power:
                audio.addMusic("mods/testco/music/cos/Power.mp3", 0, 0);
            case GameEnums.PowerMode_Superpower:
                audio.addMusic("mods/testco/music/cos/Super.mp3", 0, 0);
            case GameEnums.PowerMode_Tagpower:
                audio.addMusic("mods/testco/music/cos/Super.mp3", 0, 0);
                audio.addMusic("mods/testco/music/cos/Theme.mp3", 0, 0);
//Normal co music
        switch (co.getPowerMode()) {
            case GameEnums.PowerMode_Power:
                audio.addMusic("resources/music/cos/power.mp3", 992, 45321);
            case GameEnums.PowerMode_Superpower:
                audio.addMusic("resources/music/cos/superpower.mp3", 1505, 49515);
            case GameEnums.PowerMode_Tagpower:
                audio.addMusic("resources/music/cos/tagpower.mp3", 14611, 65538);
                audio.addMusic("resources/music/cos/andy.mp3",  4466, 74972);

So in order to install custom music please follow this instruction guide

(Folder) Testco (depends on what name you put it)/music/cos (That where you put your own custom music in)

Once everything is sort it & done please just check your music when you enable your own mod if your custom music is working or not.


Tagpower is optional but you can make 2 cos SCOP combine to make strong or completely broken powers & stats

Here is an example one

//This one is free to use
TAGPOWER.TAGPOWERDATA.push(["CO_NAME", "CO_NAME", ("NAME"), NUMBER, NUMBER], //This will appear in your custom co tagpower list
                           ["CO_", "CO_", (""), , ],
                           ["CO_", "CO_", (""), , ]);
//Example from Knightlord07's mods (PLEASE DO NOT COPY IT IF YOU ARE A READER!)
TAGPOWER.TAGPOWERDATA.push(["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_SION_MB", ("Romance Option"), 30, 3],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_RIESBYFE", ("New Alliance Member"), 40, 4],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_SATSUKI_MB", ("Lover Interest"), 40, 4],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_RIN_FATE", ("Newly Tsundere Love"), 30, 3],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_SABER", ("Newly Master"), 30, 3],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_CIEL", ("Dating With Senpai"), 30, 3],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_SAKURA_FATE", ("Friendzone"), 20, 2],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_AKIHA", ("Caring Of Love"), 30, 3],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_TOHNO", ("Bromance"), 30, 3],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_RYOUGI", ("Are You The Right Shiki?"), 10, 1],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_SHIROU", ("Bro Power"), 30, 3],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_WHITELEN", ("Kitty Tsundere"), 20, 2],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_MIYAKO", ("Newly Onii Chan"), 40, 4],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_NECO_ARC", ("Our Meme Lord"), 50, 5],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_SABERLILY", ("Trust Worthly Person"), 20, 2],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_AOKO", ("Crazy Time"), 40, 4],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_ARCUEID", ("Fun Time"), 30, 3],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_HISUI", ("Gamer Duo"), 50, 5],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_KOHAKU", ("Mad Invention"), 40, 4],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_ARCHER", ("Unlimited Meme Work"), 20, 2],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_ASSASSIN", ("Honor Duel"), 20, 2],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_BAZETT", ("KOF Vanessa?"), 10, 1],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_BERSERKER", ("Madness Wrath"), 30, 3],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_CASTER", ("Handsome Person"), 20, 2],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_DARKSABER", ("Not Worthly Servant"), -10, 0],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_GILGAMESH", ("Personal Lapdog"), -20, 0],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_IIIYA", ("Let's Go Have FUN!"), 30, 3],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_KIREI", ("Smell Traitor"), -30, 0],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_KOUMA", ("Brawl Of Fighter"), 20, 2],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_LANCER", ("Gamble Of Death"), 40, 4],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_LEN", ("Here A Special Cake"), 60, 6],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_LEYSRITT", ("Cleaning Power"), 30, 3],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_LUVIAGELITA", ("Flirty Option"), 40, 4],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_MICHAEL", ("Reanimated"), -20, 0],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_NANAYA", ("Lucky Death"), 20, 2],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_NECO_CHAOS", ("Don't Smoke In My Face"), -40, 0],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_NRVNQSR", ("Prime Target"), -60, 0],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_RIDER", ("New Pairs Of Glasses"), 20, 2],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_SHINJI", ("Loser!"), -80, 0],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_SOUICHIROU", ("Strong Fist"), 20, 2],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_TAIGA", ("New Tiger Born"), 40, 4],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_WALLACHIA", ("Vampire Bite"), -30, 0],
                           ["CO_KNIGHTLORD07", "CO_ZEROLANCER", ("Honor Fight"), 40, 4]);
//Yeah I this is pretty much what kind of tagpower you want if you making your own tagpower

To have a tagpower here is the instruction to make one

(Folder) Testco (depends on what name you put it)/scripts/general (you need to make one)

Please make tagpower.js in order to make your own tagpower