
Revision as of 11:24, 28 November 2023 by Ginsan (talk | contribs) (Parameters)
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Listed below are parameters that you will find using functions for all the classes needed for modding.

Parameter Description Variable/Class
co Refers to the current CO in play. co class
map Refers to the current map in play (including game rules, players). gamemap class
unit Refers to the current unit of interest. unit class
posX/x Refers to the position of the current tile along the X axis (left to right). int
posY/y Refers to the position of the current tile along the Y axis (top to bottom). int
atkPosX Refers to the position of the attacker along the X axis (left to right). int
atkPosY Refers to the position of the attacker along the Y axis (top to bottom). int
defPosX Refers to the position of the defender along the X axis (left to right). int
defPosY Refers to the position of the defender along the Y axis (top to bottom). int
isDefender Refers to what the current unit is doing in battle, attacking or defending, returns true if it was your unit being attacked else it is false. boolean
attacker Refers to the unit that is currently attacking. unit class
defender Refers to the unit that is currently defending. unit class
damage Refers to the incoming damage to the unit, includes chip damage numbers (0-100+). int
attackerBaseHp Referes to the attackers hp. int
luckmode Refers to the luck roll when the attack action occurs. int
action Refers to the current action that is being performed, returns as a game action class. gameaction class
id Refers to unit ID. string
fuelCost Refers to the amount of fuel used to move. int
building Refers to the building of interest.
income Refers to the income you get for a particular building. int
index could't have a clue.
info Refers to the CO info page.
unitID Refers to the unit ID that is currently being looked at. str
powerSurplus Refers to surplus on the co power e.g 1 if one more star is filled over the normal co power. int
turnMode Refers to the state of the current turn, AiTurnMode_StartOfDay, AiTurnMode_DuringDay, AiTurnMode_EndOfDay gameenum
unitCount Refers to the amount of units owned by the player. int
count there is a unitcount in the same parameter. int
repairUnits Refers to the amount of units that need to be repaired. int
indirectUnits Refers to the amount of indirect units. int
directUnits Refers to the amount of direct units. Int
enemyUnits Refers to the amount of enemy units. Int