
Revision as of 22:20, 15 April 2023 by Firewito (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Bio: "Youngest child of Caulder. She is still too young to know right from wrong." Hit: Mr. Bear. Miss: Broken "Toys". CO Description: "Her troops are immune to all weather effects" Day to Day: Penny's units are unaffected by weather. CO Unit: NONE. CO Zone: 3 Range, Just the default +10/+10. xxxXXX CO Power: Stormfront. Changes the weather to Snow, Rain, Sandstorm or Mist for 2 days. Super CO Power: Weatherchaos. Changes the weather to S...")
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Bio: "Youngest child of Caulder. She is still too young to know right from wrong."

Hit: Mr. Bear.

Miss: Broken "Toys".

CO Description: "Her troops are immune to all weather effects"

Day to Day: Penny's units are unaffected by weather.

CO Unit: NONE.

CO Zone: 3 Range, Just the default +10/+10.


CO Power: Stormfront.

         Changes the weather to Snow, Rain, Sandstorm or Mist for 2 days.

Super CO Power: Weatherchaos.

         Changes the weather to Snow, Rain, Sandstorm or Mist for 2 days and gets a bonus depending on weather. All units firepower increases to 30%.
         Snow: All units get +2 Move.
         Rain: All units get +3 Vision and can see hiding places.
         Sandstorm: All Indirect units get +2 Range.
         Mist: All units get +5 Vision and can see hiding places.