Langrisser Vol1 created by Knightlord07

Featuring characters from Langrisser 1,2,3,4,5 (I,II,III,IV,V)

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Tier List

  • S or higher broken
  • A good or need balance
  • B perfectly as balance
  • C need buff/weak
  • D need better buff/very weak

Note: + is pros while - is cons


This mod is from my ideas to add Langrisser characters into AW style gameplay, if any bugs you encountered on my mod please ask me on Discord so I can fix it up in no time, this is mod also known as Advancegrisser since I give it a actual name for it (KL07). This project is probably inspire from Kartal's Fire Emblem AW2 romhack instead of having units we have langrisser characters rather than FE 6-8 characters

Army of Light/Legion of Glory Roster (OS)

From Langrisser 1 & 2 (I&II)

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Imperial/Empire Army Roster(BM)

From Langrisser 1,2,3 (I,II,III)

(Altemuller) S/SSS+ (Offensive) Sidenote: he is not Sephiroth from FF7

  • +D2d & CO effects are the same but his CO effects buff it even better
  • +Large COZone range
  • +COP buff his defense
  • +SCOP exchange 15% of his defense for 70% firepower
  • -His power meter is long
  • -SCOP is scary but she lose 15% of his defense
  • -COP become walls

(Betty) S/SS (Offensive)

  • +D2d increase firepower & defense, while Co effect increase firepower
  • +COP buff firepower
  • +SCOP reduce incoming damage 40% (She just a hard as a rock)
  • -Short Cozone range
  • -Somewhat scary if she active her SCOP so her units are semi god mode

(Digos) S/SSS+ (Offensive)

  • +His d2d both firepower & defense are 50%, while his CO effect increase it even further
  • +COP turn his unit into god mode
  • +SCOP turn his unit into super god mode
  • -Require more funds for him to build larger army
  • -It will be difficult to destroy his units if his powers active
  • -Some maps won't help him if there are low income for him
  • -He just Kanbei 8.0
  • -His power meter is very long to grab his SCOP
  • -can't really afford any high tech units such as megatank, bomber, battleship & ects
  • -Have to relay on his infantries to become a meat shields

(Emerick) B/A (Offensive)

  • +D2d & Co effect increase his firepower
  • +COP buff firepower
  • +SCOP can really shut down opponents unit production
  • -Short COzone range
  • -SCOP is the real deal
  • -Not that scary to face him

(Imedla) C/A (Naval Offensive)

  • +Her d2d & Co zone effect applies on her naval units
  • +COP deal -3HP global damage
  • +SCOP exchange her units defense into firepower
  • -She is not good if the map doesn't have a harbor to build her fleet
  • -She is only good with ships & boats

(Laetitia) A/SS (Offensive)

  • +Her d2d allow her units get extra movement, while her CO effect increase firepower
  • +COP buff her firepower & movement
  • +SCOP buff her firepower & movement, also her units will be treated as full HP
  • -Longest power meter
  • -Short Cozone range
  • -Her SCOP is the real deal if you not careful enough about it

(Laias) A\SS (Offensive)

  • +His d2d & CO effect applies on direct units
  • +COP increase direct firepower
  • +SCOP increase direct firepower
  • -He only buff his firepower on direct units
  • -Short COzone range
  • -Long power meter

(Lance) B/A (Offensive)

  • +His d2d & Co effect applies on ground & air units
  • +COP buff firepower
  • +SCOP buff firepower & movement
  • -Somewhat long power meter
  • -Careful if you not try to provoke his SCOP

(Leon) B/A (Offensive)

  • +His D2d buff his firepower & movement, while his Co effect both firepower & defense
  • +COP buff his movement
  • +SCOP buff firepower & movement
  • -Short Cozone range
  • -Careful when you place your units because his SCOP can rekt you up

(Rohga) A/S (Offensive)

  • +His d2d buff luck damage, while Co effect buff firepower
  • +COP buff his firepower
  • +SCOP buff both firepower & luck
  • +Can score a high damage from luck
  • -Short Cozone range
  • -His luck maybe an issue if he got very lucky

(Egbert) B (Balance)

  • +His D2d buff his firepower & defense, while his Co effect buff his defense
  • +COP deal -2HP damage global
  • +SCOP buff his firepower
  • -Short Cozone range
  • -Decent power meter
  • -SCOP can destroy most of units before ending his turn

(Vargas) B/S (Defensive)

  • +His D2d buff his defense & firepower, but his firepower kinda small, while his CO effect buff his defense
  • +COP buff his defense
  • +SCOP buff his firepower
  • -Short CO range
  • -His units are really tough to tear it down!
  • -His defense should able to withstand most of opponent attack if it was on a chokepoint that is

(Varna) C/A (Balance)

  • +Her D2d & CO effect applies on air & indirect units
  • +COP buff her firepower
  • +SCOP buff her air & indirect units firepower
  • +Large COzone range
  • -Long power meter
  • -She is good with indirect & air
  • -Require airport to build her air unit from it so she is good

Origin of Light Roster(GE)

From Langrisser 3 (III)

(Dieharte) S (Offensive)

  • +D2d & Co effect increase his luck damage
  • +COP buff his firepower
  • +SCOP buff his firepower & movement
  • -Short cozone range
  • -Depends on rng if he got lucky enough

(Dios) B (Support)

  • +D2d increase his indirect range & firepower, while his Co effect enchanted his units firepower
  • +COP buff indirect units firepower & range
  • +SCOP allow his indirect become naval ships
  • -Short Cozone range
  • -A speed Co's can bypass or just charge toward it

(Do Kahni) B (Balance)

  • +D2d allow his units move freely from any terrains, while his Co effects buff defense
  • +COP buff firepower
  • +SCOP buff firepower & luck
  • -Since his units can wiz though any terrains you might have a hard time to catch his units
  • -His powers not that scary

(Fauvel) C/B (Support)

  • +His D2d give his units extra 2Hp repairs, while his Co effects buff his defense up
  • +COP buff both firepower & defense
  • +SCOP buff both firepower & defense
  • -His repairs can just drain his funds
  • -His powers not that strong

(Freya) B/A (Defensive)

  • +Her D2d buff her defense, while her CO effect buff firepower
  • +COP buff her defense & counter
  • +SCOP buff her defense
  • +Large COzone range
  • -Her power meter is long
  • -Her units are not really tough unless you got some indirect supports for some pot shot at her units

(Gilbert) B/A (Offensive)

  • +His D2d buff his firepower & defense, while his Co effect buff firepower
  • +COP buff firepower
  • +SCOP buff firepower
  • +Large Cozone range
  • -Somewhat long power meter
  • -SCOP can be his deadly power

(Jugler) B (Balance/Offensive)

  • +His D2d buff his firepower, while his Co effects buff his defense perfectly balance as always
  • +COP buff his defense
  • +SCOP buff his defense
  • -Long power meter
  • -Not that scary unless he use his SCOP

(Kirikaze) A/S (Offensive)

  • +His D2d buff luck, while his CO effect buff firepower
  • +Larger Cozone range
  • +COP buff firepower & luck
  • +SCOP buff firepower, counter & get a first strike useful in certain chokepoints or make a defensive walls
  • -SCOP can be easy avoid by using indirect for some pot shots
  • -Long power meter

(Lewin) C/B (Balance)

  • +His D2d allow his unit heal 4HP when attacking, while his CO effect buff his firepower & defense
  • +COP buff firepower
  • +SCOP buff firepower
  • +Short power meter you got a choice to choose from
  • -His power meter can spam his either his normal or super
  • -Not that scary

(Liffany) B (Support)

  • +Her D2d buff her firepower, while her Co effect buff defense
  • +COP buff her firepower
  • +SCOP spawn a black bomb at HQ
  • -Short Cozone range
  • -Long power meter
  • -Not that scary unless she spawn a black bomb by surprise

(Sophia) B (Defensive/Support)

  • +Her D2d buff her defense, while her Co effect buff her defense
  • +COP buff her defense
  • +SCOP buff defense & heal 6HP
  • -Her normal power can be spamable
  • -Short Cozone range
  • -Not scary

(Tiaris) C/B (Defensive/Support)

  • +Her D2d gain extra 2Hp repairs, while her Co effects buff defense
  • +COP Heal 4HP & buff firepower & defense
  • +SCOP Heal 8HP & buff firepower & defense
  • -Short COzone range
  • -Can sometime spam her power
  • -Short power meter can spam her power to heal

(Silver Wolf) B (Support)

  • +His D2d & Co effects buff his units firepower
  • +COP give him some free shipments supplies
  • +SCOP Spawn a unit
  • -Short COzone Range
  • -His SCOP can be an rng loot box
  • -Power meter long

(Luna) B/A (Balance/Support)

  • +Her D2d & CO effects buff her firepower & defense
  • +COP buff terrains stars
  • +SCOP extra movement & buff terrains stars
  • -Short Cozone range
  • -Normal power can be spamable

(Pierre) B (Balance)

  • +His D2d & CO effect buff his firepower & defense
  • +COP buff both firepower & defense
  • +SCOP buff both firepower & defense
  • +Large Cozone range
  • -Normal power can be spamable
  • -Not that scary to face him

Army of Darkness/Demon Tribe Roster(BH)

From Langrisser 2 & 4 (II,IV)

(Lana) A/S (Support)

  • +Her d2d only buff indirect units ranges, while her CO effect buff her firepower
  • +COP allow her indirect units fire & forget
  • +SCOP buff her firepower & range
  • -It can be easy for a movement co's to wiz into Lana's indirect's minimum range
  • -Short Co range
  • -COP make her units act like naval units
  • -SCOP only buff her indirect range so just get out of her indirect range sight

(Sonya) A/S (Offensive)

  • +Her d2d buff her firepower, while her CO effect enchanted her d2d up
  • +COP buff her firepower
  • +SCOP buff her firepower & wiz through any terrains
  • -Her short CO range
  • -Her power meter is long

(Est) B/A (Defensive)

  • +Her D2D is defensive but not good with offensive, while her CO Effect increase her d2d defense up
  • +COP buff defense
  • +SCOP buff defense
  • -She is not so scary to face her
  • -Her power meter is long

(Ost) B/A (Offensive)

  • +His d2d is offensive but not good with defensive, while his CO Effect increase his d2d firepower up
  • +COP buff firepower
  • +SCOP buff firepower
  • -He is just a downgrade version of Grimm

(Listell) A/SSS (Support)

  • +Her D2d increase her defense, while her CO effect increase firepower
  • +COP force opponents units pay 25% more funds on repairs
  • +SCOP force opponents no longer pay for repairs
  • +Her COP is just focusing opponents drain their funds so they can't afford any units or higher tech units such as megatank, bomber, battleships & ects
  • +Her CO zone range is large
  • -Prepare the worst outcome if her powers is ready to use
  • -Her power is the major problem you going to face
  • -Hope you like spending your repairs funds like water!
  • -She can shut down any money type co's
  • -SCOP just her secret weapon

(Null) B/S (Support)

  • +D2d buff his firepower, while his CO effect buff his defense
  • +COP allow him to spawn Neos on owned cities
  • +SCOP allow him to spawn Bcopters on owned cities
  • +The only one who has the largest CO zone range from this mod
  • -His CO zone is quite a issue you going to face
  • -need more cities to conquer in order to pump those Neos or Bcopters

(Ivar) A/S (Defensive)

  • +His d2d become a wall, while his CO effect make his unit into super walls
  • +COP allow him gain firepower
  • +SCOP exchange his 50% of his defense into firepower (Good trade off)
  • +Large CO zone range
  • -You going to have a long fight try to break his walls
  • -If he boarded a unit expect to have a longest fight in your life (rather then facing Helter from SFW)

Yeless Legend Roster(AC & BD)

From Langrisser 4 & 5 (IV & V)

(Landius) A/SS (Tank/Defensive)

  • +Has more defense than firepower
  • +CO Zone is large also buff his defense
  • +COP make his unit more durable & hit harder in counter
  • +SCOP will make his units into a brick walls (does not contain any nano machines)
  • +He can be useful blocking off some chokepoints or form a massive wall
  • -Has longer power meter
  • -It is wise to use his powers depends on the situation on the battlefield
  • -Difficult to break his walls due to his high defense

(Ricky) B/S (Balance)

  • +He has balance with firepower & defense
  • +His CO zone range is large also enchanted with his d2d
  • +COP allow to buff his units firepower
  • +SCOP is just OP Mode
  • -Has a long Co meter
  • -It is wise to use his powers
  • -He can be overshadow other co's
  • -His SCOP can bust your units up if you not prepare for that

(Rachel) (B) (Balance) Note: don't you get yourself mistake AW3 Rachel

  • +Her units are well balance
  • +CO zone enchanted her d2d up
  • +COP allow her unit restore HP when attacking
  • +SCOP allow her to summon a GuyFrame (Megatank) on HQ
  • -Her power meter is long
  • -Depends what the situation are you in if you need to use the powers

(McClaine) C/B (Support)

  • +Allow to call in reinforcements on cities & cheaper unit cost
  • +His CO zone buff firepower & defense
  • +COP buff his firepower
  • +Large Co zone range
  • +SCOP allow him to build units on Temp Airport for air unit to build on
  • -Require APC to build a temp airport to build air units
  • -He is not that scary to face him

(Angelina) B/A (Balance/Offensive)

  • +Her D2d increase firepower & defense while her Co zone effect enchanted her d2d up
  • +Large CO zone range
  • +COP increase lucky crits damage
  • +SCOP increase firepower applies on naval & air units
  • -Her powers depends what kinds of situation you in
  • -Her SCOP only buff up air & naval units
  • -Require naval nor air units to be good with her SCOP

(Shelfaniel) B/A (Support)

  • +Her d2d allow her direct units disguise as indirects (Or called mini naval ships) & buff up indirects range
  • +Her COP do global damage -2HP
  • +Her SCOP turn her indirects into Siege Cannon++ that mean her indirects can snipe any units depends on the maps you choose & also it buff firepower
  • -Her SCOP is only thing is threatening you if you provoke her to much
  • -Her Global damage is scary but not so scary

(Serena) A (Defensive)

  • +Her D2d just increase her defense while her Co zone effect increase bit
  • +COP become a mini tank mode
  • +SCOP become actual tank
  • -It depends on the situation on the battlefield if you need to use her powers
  • -Her unit can take pot shots from Shelfaniel or any other Indirects Co's

(Ranford) A/SS (Balance/Offensive) Note: please skip his SCOP animation to process the game

  • +His D2d buff his firepower & defense also add his Co zone effect as well
  • +COP buff his firepower
  • +SCOP can act again, heal 3HP, buff firepower & defense & increase movement (Eagle & Andy SCOP make it broken!)
  • +Large Cozone Range
  • -His power meter is quite long
  • -It will be difficult to face him due to his SCOP can caught you off guard

(Sigma) B/A (Support)

  • +D2d increase firepower & indirect range, while his co zone effect buff his firepower
  • +COP buff his range up
  • +SCOP turn direct unit into indirect firing range & buff firepower
  • -Not to scary to face him in 1v1 match
  • -SCOP can be a problem

(Lambda) A/SS (Support) Sidenote: if Carin doesn't have buff on plain tiles here your actual solution co

  • +Her d2d is just buff her units while standing on nature terrains (including plain tile) & buff firepower, while her Co effect is buff her d2d up
  • +COP buff her units up on nature terrains
  • +SCOP buff firepower & nature terrains
  • -Any non nature terrains won't help her units in the fight
  • -She is only good at nature terrains (she really need to touch some grass & talk to trees)
  • -Her power meter is short so expect her power been use offend

(Brenda) B/A (Balance)

  • +Her d2d applies on air & ground units, while her CO effect enchanted her d2d applies on air & ground
  • +Her COzone range is large
  • +COP buff her firepower
  • +SCOP buff her firepower & defense
  • -Her d2d should be focus on ground & air rather than other units such as naval & infantries
  • -Can get caught off guard if she use her SCOP
  • -Require an airport to make her air units strong

(Alfred) B/A (Balance)

  • +His d2d buff up his naval & ground, while his Co effect buff his defense
  • +COP allow him to buff firepower
  • +SCOP buff naval & ground units
  • -Require harbor to be good with naval
  • -His d2d applies on ground & naval, so any map without harbor that can be bad for him

(Clarett) A/S (Offensive)

  • +Her d2d make her units strike very hard due to high luck, while her Co effect buff her firepower
  • +Her Cozone Range is quite large
  • +COP buff her luck make it more deadly luck damage
  • +SCOP buff luck & firepower make her units become deadly killers
  • -Her SCOP is the problem you might face
  • -Her power meter is long so expect her use her normal or saving up her super