Langrisser Mobile Collab(mods/Collab vol1,2,3) is a mod bring Langrisser Mobile Collabs characters into Commanders Wars, try to give players some mobilelike experiences to give the players some feeling if they imaged playing this on COW style.

Langrisser Mobile Collabs created by Knightlord07

Featuring many of characters from different series

Tier list

  • S or S higher, way to strong or OP in general (I could nerf or ban)
  • A decent may be strong I could nerf it bit
  • B balance maybe it need some buffs
  • C weak but buff need it soon
  • D So weak need to buff up


This list is under WIP

List of COs & factions
Nihon Falcom






Van Gintoki Excella
Elaine Kagura Sonia
Agnes Shinpachi Kirika

* Locked by default.


Release date 21st September

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This pack contain

  • Trails in the sky (Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky)
  • Sakura Wars
  • Yu Yu Hakusho (Ghost Fighter)
  • Record of Lodoss War
  • Trails of the Cold Steel III (Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Cold Steel 3)

Total 21

Vol1 Pros+

Vol1 Cons-


Release date 14th August

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This pack contain

  • Overlord
  • Mashin Hero Wataru (Keith Courage in Alpha Zone)
  • Legendary Armor Samurai troopers (Ronin Warriors)
  • Valkyria Chronicles

Total 12

Vol2 Pros+

(Ainz) (S/SSS) (Smasher/Offensive)

  • 3 stats start with +30
  • COP allow to debuff opponent firepower -90%
  • SCOP allow him to fire a special laser and deal 4HP & it stun
  • Large Co zone

(Albedo) (A/SS) (Defender/Defensive)

  • +40 defense
  • CO boarded +80
  • COP reduce opponent damage 20%
  • SCOP allow her gain +20 defense, reduce opponent damage 50% & -20 luck
  • Her units are really really tough walls to break

(Shalltear) (B/S) (Balance)

  • +15 firepower
  • +10 defense when CO boarded
  • COP debuff opponent luck -20
  • SCOP can steal +2HP when attacking

(Ryo) (A/S) (Balance/Offensive)

  • Start with both firepower & defense +30
  • +20 CO when boarded
  • COP buff his d2d up to +20
  • SCOP buff firepower & luck +60

(Toma) (C) (Support)

  • Oddly enough he start with +3 firing range that is effect his direct units (Flak must be jealous about Toma's d2d that mean his bomber are indirect! (Flak approve this!))
  • +20 luck when Co boarded
  • COP buff his firing range +2
  • SCOP buff firepower +30 & firing range +5

(Kayura) (B) (Balance/Offensive)

  • +25 firepower
  • COP buff firepower & defense +20
  • SCOP buff firepower +50

(Wataru) (A/S) (Smasher/Offensive)

  • +20 firepower
  • +40 firepower when CO boarded
  • COP buff firepower +60
  • SCOP is a trade off gain +80 firepower but lose -20 defense

(Shibakuka) (B/A) (Balance)

  • +20 both firepower & defense
  • +10 both firepower & defense when CO boarded
  • COP allow him to gain 30% HP when attacking & buff +20 firepower
  • SCOP buff his firepower +60 & +30 defense

(Himiko) (C/B) (Speedy)

  • Can pass any terrains & +2 movements
  • +20 defense when CO boarded
  • COP Buff Crit +25
  • SCOP Buff firepower +30 & crit +60

(Selvaria (A/SS) (Smasher/Offensive)

  • +40 both firepower & defense on infantries
  • +40 crit when CO boarded plus she can heal 2HP per turn
  • COP buff 3 stats +20
  • SCOP heal her units 3HP, buff crit +225 & increase firing range +7
  • Large Co zone range

(Alicia) (S/SSS) (Support/Offensive)

  • +30 firepower & +15 defense
  • Her d2d is increase when Co boarded
  • COP call in partisan reinforcement
  • SCOP full heal & buff firepower +60

(Isara) (A/S) (Support/Offensive)

  • +30 firepower & +20 defense on ground vehicles
  • +10 firepower when CO boarded plus she can heal 1HP per turn
  • COP allow her direct units firing range +2 & buff firepower +15
  • SCOP is a better version of COP
  • Large CO zone range

Vol2 Cons-


  • Can't really afford any units due to budget issue
  • When CO boarded he trading off his defense for firepower, it a double edge sword mode
  • COP is the only thing is try to scary you off
  • SCOP is somewhat a threatening but it will stun you with a large radius
  • He just Kanbei 3.0 or higher
  • He CO power meter is long


  • Her defense are the only thing is blocking you from entering her base
  • COP is not that threatening
  • SCOP is the only way to scary someone off
  • Her units are more durability tough to break her walling off
  • Stand Here I realize, you just like me, trying to making history, but who's to judge, the right from wrong, when our guard is down, because of Albedo's tankiest units (joke)


  • She is not that threatening
  • COP is not a threat
  • Even her SCOP is not that scary either as well
  • Short CO zone


  • He somewhat threating
  • COP can be a problem
  • SCOP is major serious problem


  • Direct units can just snipe for 3 tiles aways
  • COP & SCOP can just buff indirect units
  • Expect him to build a bomber or expansive units such as aircraft, ground vehicles or naval units only for direct attack into indirect attack


  • She not that threatening
  • Still there are some weakness you can pull off against her
  • SCOP somewhat a threat


  • His COP & SCOP are the biggest problem due to it just his d2d buffed
  • His SCOP lose -20 defense


  • Not that threatening
  • His SCOP is a problem
  • Short Co zone range


  • She is not that threatening either, but the problem is her units can just wiz any terrains & move faster
  • SCOP is her biggest threat if her units are lucky or not


  • She is mainly an infantries co
  • Her unique units are difficult to maintain in the battlefield
  • Her unique units mainly swapped with standard infantries
  • If she CO boarded a units her units heal next turn
  • Expect her spam lots of infantries (General Fai will be proud!)
  • COP maybe threat but her SCOP is the main deal!
  • her units maybe a problem due to not having firepower or defense boosted on naval, ground vehicles or aircrafts
  • Just pray your RNG God if you get so lucky
  • If her indirect units already setup for her SCOP get yourself blasted!


  • Her d2d might be a problem if she CO boarded a unit
  • Her reinforcements are a problem if the maps have lots of cities to own or conquer it
  • Her unique units are swapped with an infantry & recon it will be difficult to maintain it
  • SCOP is a problem it a full heal that maybe caught you off guard


  • Her units mainly her ground vehicles are the only problem you have to face
  • Her unique units have been swapped with the standard units so it will be difficult to maintain the battle if you got the funds for it
  • Her COP & SCOP allow her direct units to snipe
  • Her units will slowly repair itself for next turn
  • Her main problem is that she is just the same as Selvaria but except her infantries, aircraft & naval are not her best


Release in 8th August 2023

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This pack contain

  • Gintama
  • Legend of Heroes Kuro no Kiseki
  • Shining Resonance

Total 9

Vol 3 Pros+

(Gintoki) (S/SSS) (Smasher/Offensive)

  • Strong on defense
  • Co board a unit will grant him +40 firepower
  • COP allow him to restore 5hp & grant firepower boost
  • SCOP gain 3 stats (firepower, defense & luck) up to +80

(Shinpachi) (D/S) (Gambler/RNG god)

  • Start with +50 luck damage
  • Co allow him add +40 luck
  • COP allow him to debuff opponents defense -30
  • Large Co zone range
  • SCOP allow him to debuff opponents defense & firepower -60
  • His co meter look similar to Adder's co meter

(Kagura) (S/SS) (Smasher/Offensive)

  • Start with +25 firepower
  • Co allow her grant +40 defense
  • COP allow her units get refill
  • SCOP allow her units grant +80 firepower

(Excella) (C/ if there an airport on map is SS) (Air domination/Air Power)

  • Start with Air units buffs +35 firepower & defense
  • Co allow her air units grant +20 firepower
  • COP allow her summon unique aircraft from HQ & buff air units +30 firepower & defense
  • SCOP allow her buff global on her units +35 firepower & +60 defense
  • Large co zoned range
  • Can turn any battlefield if there any airports on the map she can turn the tide of battle

(Kirika) (B) (Healer/Support)

  • Units repair 3HP
  • Co allow her unit grant +20 defense
  • COP give her units +40 firepower
  • SCOP allow her units heal 8HP & grant both firepower & defense +60

(Sonia) (B) (Defender/Defensive)

  • Her units always get a first strike during counter attack
  • Co grant her +15 defense
  • COP allow her units buff +30 defense
  • SCOP allow her units heal 6HP & buff firepower +40

(Agnes) (B) (Defender/Support)

  • Start off with +30 defense
  • Co allow her grant +20 firepower
  • COP allow her units grant +30 defense
  • SCOP allow her units heal full HP & grant +60 firepower

(Elaine) (A\S) (Money printer/Offensive)

  • Receive more funds start at the turns
  • Co increase her crit (luck) by +10
  • COP allow her crit to raise +15
  • SCOP allow her units grant +2 movement & +80 firepower

(Van) (C\B) (Ground vehicle/Balance)

  • Good with ground vehicles +20 firepower
  • Co allow him grant +20 defense
  • COP allow him do global firepower buff +30
  • SCOP allow him do global firepower buff +70
  • Large Co zoned range

Vol 3 Cons-


  • He might be scary if you face him while he on a higher tech units such as tanks, aircrafts or naval units
  • His COP is just a adrenaline rush
  • His SCOP might be the strongest & the fear the most of
  • His co meter is long but he might pull some tricks up his mind
  • He may threatening you by his SCOP


  • -50 luck damage
  • Co -40 luck damage
  • He just a perfectly luck balance co
  • You might have some skills issue with him
  • You must pray your RNG & skill issue as well!
  • Have fun yeeting his units into the meat grinder
  • His COP & SCOP are the only thing weaken your units


  • Her COP allow her get some free food
  • Her SCOP allow her units become crazy with that firepower
  • She is not that scary to face her
  • Please call her China Girl (joke)


  • She only good with air units
  • Need airport to be good at it
  • Her COP give her 1 kirov per HQ owned so it not that scary to face a single Kirov
  • Her SCOP is the only thing is threatening you
  • Her HQ nor airport can be place with AA or missile to lock it down


  • She is not too threatening at you
  • Her Cop sort of scary but it her SCOP is the problem


  • Ride Waifu, Waifu fight back, Destroyed Waifu, Waifu gone...think about Waifu Regret (joke)
  • Sonia will bite you back if you dare attack her first
  • Her COP can be a problem but her SCOP is the only problem you might face
  • Only weakness is indirect units to avoid her first strike


  • She is not so scary except her units turn into semi wall defense like
  • COP increase her units durability to live longer if it take lots of opponents units attacks
  • SCOP can be the only issue if you not prepare for her heal


  • Turn any maps into high funds mode
  • Her crit do little damage not so serious
  • COP is just a minor while her SCOP is the real deal you going to face


  • He is only good with ground vehicles
  • His COP & SCOP can be a problem can smash though your units into pieces


The collabs characters/heroes are from here

There is few jokes are reference to memes in this page.

Their power names are reference to their Langrisser Mobile skill/power

Isara & Selvaria her CO effect might be C&C:General reference & mods

  • Isara Co effects is based on C&C:Generals Zero Hour Assault troop crawler, Emperor Overlord Tank & Overlord Tank with a speaker tower addon upgrade
  • Selvaria Co effects is from C&C:Generals Zero Hour mod such as Contra X or any ZH mod with a propaganda officer (propaganda infantry) that will heal units in the surrounding areas