Bio: "Black Hole was in need of new strong CO's so Lash invented a second Sturm. But he doesn't accept any orders and formed his own Army."

Hit: Robots.

Miss: Livings.

CO Description: "His troops can move 1 point more, but they have weaker firepower and higher defense capabilities."

Day to Day: All units have 20% less firepower but get +1 Move.

CO Unit: Tank Hunter.

CO Zone: 3 Range, All units have 10% less firepower and 30% increased defense.


CO Power: Mechanized Storm.

         All units have normal firepower, 60% increased defense and +1 extra Move. Enemy units lose half their current ammo. (3 ammo gets reduced to 2, 5 to 3.)

Super CO Power: Mechanized Destruction.

         All units have normal firepower, 80% increased defense and +2 extra Move. Enemy units take 2HP dmg and lose half their current ammo.