Bio: "Head of IDS - the research department of Dark Matter. Conducts in inhuman experiments. All he wants is to be free to satisfy his curiosity."

Hit: Unrestricted experiments.

Miss: Ethics.

CO Description: "Caulder can reinforce his army while he is on the field."

Day to Day: All units have 15% less firepower and defense.

CO Unit: Crystal Tank.

CO Zone: 3 Range, All units firepower and defense increase to 60% and repair 5 HP at the start of day. (Repairs cost funds.)


CO Power: Mass Regeneration.

         All units firepower and defense increase to 40% and heal 5 HP. (Healing is free.)

Super CO Power: Perfect Healing.

         All units firepower and defense increase to 60% and heal 10 HP.


Caulder resemble Goenitz from King of Fighter 2002 UM Art