Naked Squid

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Naked Squid was created by Nanoka

It a meme co so yeah!


  • His Co zone increase defense & firepower +20, infantries have extra +1 vision & capture rate +4 & come with Partisan as buildable
  • COP is pretty much drain ammo depend how much opponent units HP have left, but a full HP will completely drain all the ammo
  • SCOP can deal true damage (4) if units are outside of opponents units vision range
  • Make good use of his SCOP with unseen vision terrains


  • His SCOP only work at FOW so his SCOP is useless on non FOW battle
  • COP any damage units he has can't instant drain ammo, instead it can drain ammo depends on damage unit
  • He want a FOW battle to work his SCOP
  • Any custom co's got good vision range make his units worthless unless it hide on unseen terrains


Naked Squid is pretty much Squidward & MGS3 Naked Snake in a single image