Knightlord07's Original Characters created by Knightlord07

Featuring OCs & Under Night In_Birth characters (Non OCs)

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Come with 44 co's from OCs to Under Night In-Birth Characters

OC Under Night In-Birth
Akira Orie
Camille Wagner
Borys Eltnum
Diego Linne
Bianca Hilda
Wilhelm Mika
KuWon Phonon
Kwan Yuruziha
Asa Nasase
Ami Vatista
Makoto Londrekia
Fen Hyde
Liang Seth
Elizabeth Carmine
Minako Akatsuki
Camu Byakuya
Shannon Chaos
Kana Gordeau
Vera Kuon
Scathach Tsurugi
Shiki Waldstein


This is my official OC mods since I never made any OC before but it's my very first OCs packs ever done

Strength, Tier & Weakness

Akira B/S (Support specialist) The daughter of Sion & Knightlord, Orange Star Medic Team

  • +Start with +30 luck, +20% lifesteal & freebie repairs, CO zone will heal in her zone +4HP
  • +COP + 20 luck
  • +SCOP +90 firepower & +130% lifesteal
  • -She does not have any weakness
  • -Long power meter
  • -Her units will be difficult to take out due to she can zone heal & lifesteal make her units semi unkillable
  • -SCOP can just steal any units life away

Carmille A/SS (Ground Assault specialist) Orange Star & Blue Moon ground vehicles specialist 3 star General

  • +Start with +60 firepower only her ground vehicles, +40 defense on her Co zone
  • +She has a good leadership so her zone is quite large
  • +COP +3 movement & +70 firepower applies on her ground vehicles
  • +SCOP +190 firepower applies on ground vehicles
  • -She favour toward ground vehicles
  • -Powers can really destroy most of your units
  • -Moderated power meter
  • -Probably a stronger version of Jess without the resupplies power
  • -A large Co zone can make her units hard to kill

Borys A/S (Terrain Defensives specialist) Olaf's Tactical Commanding Officer

Diego S/SSS (Indirect & Infantries specialist) Senior Officer under Grit's commands

Bianca A/SSS++ (Transport & Stealth specialist) One of Green Earth's spec ops commander

Wilhelm A/SS+ (Air Specialist) One of Green Earth's wealthy miner

Ami S/SSS+ (Land Specialist) She is one of Yellow Comet's finest land force commander

Asa A/SS+ (Naval & Air Specialist) She is one of Yellow Comet's bests naval & air commander

Elizabeth S/SS+ (Direct specialist)

Minako C/A (FOW specialist)

Fen B/SS (Wealth specialist)

Liang A/SSS (Offensive specialist)

Makoto SS/SSS (Balance/Combine forces specialist)

Kwan A/S (Air specialist)

KuWon A/S (Naval specialist)

Camu SS/SSS++ (AW1-3 Boss like specialist)

Vera A/SS (Discount & Offensive specialist)

Shannon A/S (Naval & air specialist)

Kana S/SS (Ground vehicle specialist)

Scathach A/SSS+ (Balance specialist)

Shiki S/SSS (Balance specialist)

Orie B/SSS++ (Hordes specialist)

Eltnum A/SS (Balance/support specialist)

Wagner A/S (Offensive specialist)

Londrekia B/A (Balance/defensive specialist)

Hyde A/S (Balance/offensive specialist)

Akatsuki S (Balance specialist)

Byakuya A/S (Debuff/terrain mover specialist)

Carmine A/SS (Vampire specialist)

Chaos A/S (Terrain specialist)

Gordeau B/A (Wealth specialist)

Hilda A/S (Balance specialist)

Kuon SS/SSS+ (Offensive specialist)

Linne S/SS (Balance/offensive specialist)

Mika A/S (Direct specialist)

Phonon B/A (Balances specialist)

Nasase B/S (Aria like specialist)

Seth S/SS (Luck specialist)

Tsurugi A/SS (Defensive specialist)

Vatista A/S (Offensive specialist)

Waldstein SS/SSS+ (Offensive specialist)

Yuzuriha A/SS (Balance/offensive specialist)

Merkava A/S (Balance specialist)

Enkidu A/SSS+ (Direct specialist)


Orie has a bug when you are in CO style & click on show CO info it will crash the game (Need to check that problem in the meantime)