Bio: "Commander of the Capitol Guard of Teal Islands. He excels in survival and sheer tenacity. The Long Standing Guardian"

Hit: Tongue Twisters.

Miss: Colloquialisms.

CO Description: "Using Teal Isles intelligence division, Walter can view units' HP more accurately than other COs."

Day to Day: Walter can see enemies HP as 100/100.

CO Unit: Intel Truck.

CO Zone: 2 Range, All units firepower and defense increase to 20%.


CO Power: Memento.

         Enemy units take the same damage they deal to Walter's units when attacking. CO Zone Effect becomes global.

Super CO Power: Magnum Opus.

         All enemy units take 1 HP damage and lose 80% of their maximum ammo. Hides own units HP and enemy units take the same damage they deal to Walter's units when attacking. CO Zone Effect becomes global.