Bio: "He may be a pompous braggart, but his tactical prowess has earned him the respect of his peers and the admiration of his people. Old Man Winter"
Hit: Warm boots.
Miss: Rain clouds.
CO Description: Winter poses no problem for Olaf or his troops. Snow causes his firepower to rise, and his troops can move through it without any penalties.
Day to Day: Olaf's units are unaffected by snow.
CO Unit: NONE.
CO Zone: 3 Range, All units firepower increases to 60% when its snowing.
CO Power: Blizzard.
Changes the weather to snow for 1 day. CO Zone Effect becomes global.
Super CO Power: Winter Fury.
Changes the weather to snow for 1 day and deals 2 HP dmg to all enemy units. CO Zone Effect becomes global.
"I havent seen what rain does in cows but Olaf isnt any worse in it as all other cos."