Bio: "A damage analyst from Teal Isle who favours precise tactics. Very intelligent, but inexperienced."
Hit: Precise information.
Miss: Unknown variable.
CO Description: "Alexander is loved by his citizens so much that they have a tendency to resist being captured."
Day to Day: Conrad's units gain 1% firepower per units sight on opponents units, -20% counter attack.
CO Unit: Intel Truck
CO Zone: 3 Range, All units firepower and defense increase to 10%, 5% firepower when attack if it on his owned units sight.
CO Power: Calulated Strike
All of Conrad's units gain +1 vision, +10 firepower & defense. They also gain an additional +5 firepower when attacking from his units sight.
Super CO Power: Precision Assault
Conrad's next attack this turn deals +50 luck damage. For the rest of the turn, all combat damage that exceeds the opponents current HP is carried over next engagement. +10 firepower & defense. They also gain an additional +5 firepower when attacking from his units sight.