Hammer was created by Knightlord07

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You can find it here List of Modded COs


  • Gain lots of funds starting turns
  • cheaper unit cost without any firepower loss
  • Cop gain better cheaper price cost
  • Scop allow him to build on Temp building such as harbour & airport
  • While his scop allow him to get ridiculous cheaper price you can just built whatever unit you want
  • Large co zone for 20% firepower & defense
  • Can make a large hordes of aircrafts, navies & ground units
  • Turn any map into naval/air combat since your opponent doesn't have any harbour or airport to respond your threats
  • The secret feature is HQ


  • It will be difficult to controls cities
  • Need an APC to build temporary building if you want a naval or air units
  • His scop can build bunch of megatanks from cities to make your life horrifying to see his megatanks
  • His cop & scop are his biggest strength allow him to get ridiculous unit price cost
  • You are facing a co who turn into a high funds battle
  • His scop allow opponent player to build anything as well that including HQ to build a hovercraft from it!
  • Gain more funds than your opponent does