This is an tutorial part of how to edit your map script work for creating your own custom campaign/scenarios

The first important part is var Constructor = function() {} in order to work.

Next is this immediateStart if you want a certain co's to start the game without picking a CO before starting

The Victoryinfo is not that important but it an optional if you want to have a victory text in the info when looking at the objectives

   this.getVictoryInfo = function()
       return qsTr("")

The Victory can be edited but it keep it intact before editing some points out.

You can make a team win the game & dialogues will pop out once the player achieve victory

The optional stuff you can add in are achievements & music in but it a difficult to process to make it you need something like campaignScript.changeMusic("Just put your music here e.g maps/Your Custom Campaign/Scenarios/music/Your music here!"); if you want a achievement to pop up please put this in userdata.increaseAchievement("Your Mod Achievement Here!", 1); if you having issues about it please just visit COW discord to learn more about those functions to work out.

The dialogs stuff you can edit this on COW's map editor & edit script work, but making a custom one will require lots of work you can keep the dialogues stuff intact if you decide to make a custom one that will take sometime to get use of some codes to work around with.

Custom Campaign Custom Campaign is like making a new game nor stories. You can make your own campaign by COW's Map editor & edit Campaign so you can add your maps in. Once you finishing editing your custom campaign you need to edit first in order to make your campaign play properly. The important part is you need to add getBasicBuildList that means you need to add units in so you can build units in your campaign. Second is getSelectableCOs is another important part of making custom campaigns. Third is getPlayableCOs is optional if you want players to get that reward to unlocked as a unlockedable co's. Optional stuff such as world map images if you want your custom campaign have flags to click on in order to play those custom made campaign maps & custom music include this works The last thing before finishing creating your own custom camp is that you need to have a folder say like this Maps/Your Custom Campaign so you can't access in single player.

List version of Custom Campaign (easy) The list version is an easier choice because you can do it on COW, go to map editing & click on menu it should pop up edit campaign so you can add any of your maps you made after you done that you have to use a program to edit it out bit. Once that done you can tested & play it!

World Map version of Custom Campaign (hard) The World map version is the most hardest thing you might do you need to have something able to edit JSM file to do so