Bio: "This CO joined the military and rose through the ranks, not quickly enough. Currently is a sub-commander."
Hit: Caviar.
Miss: Ethics.
CO Description: "Varlot reduces the income from a property he captures by an amount proportional to its Capture Points."
Day to Day: Reduces the income of enemy buildings he is capturing by Income * Capture points / 20. (10 capture points makes a city only give 500 funds)
CO Unit: Smuggler.
CO Zone: 3 Range, All units firepower and defense increase to 20%.
CO Power: Acquisition.
All units get 5 bonus capture points and Varlot gets 1/4 of the enemies income. Units firepower increase to 10% and defense to 20%.
Super CO Power: Hostile Takeover.
All units repair 4 HP and the enemy pays for it, for every 1 HP over 10 they repair the unit gets 10% extra firepower. Units firepower increase to 10% and defense to 20%.